Effectual Prayers

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Be Careful for Nothing in Prayer

Be careful for nothing; but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. Philippians 4:6
Prayers in Pursuit of God
Part 2 of a 11
We come piously before our Father in prayer; saying those things we think we should pray, holding back the truth of our heart. Yet our Heavenly Father knows even the most secret things of our heart. And there is nothing which we can kept from Him. So we pray a lie, or we pray those things which are not our true desires, hopes, feelings, angers, and thoughts.
Though the Apostle Paul tells us In everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God”, this is not a validation that our Father will fulfilling our every whim, but is given that we might come before our Father honestly. Just as a best friend whom we tell our deepest secrets, much greater must the revealing of our heart before our Father in prayer and supplication. We must be careful to hold back nothing in prayer and supplication, because there is always anxiety in a relationship where there is no honesty, where only part of the truth is spoken.
For what gain is that when we are careful what we say in prayer? Just as a cheating husband that has already been found by his wife, the Father already knows the things we hold back prayer. And just as the wife sees the words of her husband as a lie, the Father hold our prayers in contempt because we are not honest, because we hold back the truth of our heart.
Let us then pray
Father I hold on to those things which are of no value, even when I come before You, it is difficult to be honest with my feelings, my desire, my hopes and my anger. So when I come before you in prayer I am careful not to reveal the secrets of my heart. However, Father these things which I fail to bring before You cause me great anxiety in my daily life and in holding on to them I am being deceitful in my relation with You.
Please dear Father forgive me for my dishonesty in prayer, forgive me for holding back, what you already know. Father root out those things that I have tried to hold from You; rip the hidden things from my heart so that You may take dwelling there without rival. Then Your light will so shine in me, that there shall be no darkness in my heart.
This I pray in the mighty name of Jesus, Amen
Your Brother in Christ
T.Charves FireSpeaks

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