Effectual Prayers

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Deliciousness of God

 O taste and see that the LORD is good:
blessed is the man that trusteth in him.
Psalm 34:8 (KJV)

Sometimes trying in our own knowledge to make sense of the situations in our lives is exceedingly difficult. Circumstances that we have to deal with become hard for us to swallow, and as we fall back into our state of hopelessness we gag on what the natural world has for us. We seek salvation in our devices assuming that God may come into agreement with our next scheme, plan or theory to meet out natural needs. We act as though God is Ok as we seek Mammon[1] over Him[2]
But the devil, that God might be seen as a lair  preoccupies our minds with what we don’t have, over the greatest gift in the world which was given to us. We assume that because we are Christians we deserve something special from God, that because we have been in our own mind righteous that God is going to give us special favor. We don’t lie, steal of commit adultery, but we also forget to pray and stay in His presence. Even when we do decide to cry out to God its’ not for the salvation of those that are lost it’s for the restitution of what we have physically lost
But the bible tells us that we should not take any thought about what we should eat or drink, or what we should wear, not even our life; that God knows what we have need of, but we don't. so we kick against the prick of our own salvation, under the guise of righteousness.  [3]
Even the gospel songs of God’s faithfulness to reconcile us in our time of distress are simply tools of our own deceitful hearts.  Bedaub with the correct Christian liturgy it hides that fact that we desire the gift greater than the giver.
But Psalm 34:8 says “taste and see that the Lord is good,” this is not a bitter palate but a Ummmm Good God who has by the work of Jesus Christ given us a gift greater than anything we might be missing on this earth. Like the sweet taste of honey in our mouth Salvation should so preoccupy our hearts that we slowly savor  the gratifying taste of the  knowledge of our eternal life with Christ. 

The Apostle Paul says "I count all things a dung, rubbish, trash, in order that I might gain Christ" Phil 3:8 

Oh if we could just began to understand the Delicious Goodness of God, then life’s situations, and circumstances, and happenstances would have no dominion over us, we would be so busy tasting and seeing that the Lord is Good.That the bitterness of this world would not take hold of us
I imagine this is what Smokie Norful is trying to say in this song.  Um Good!

Soli Deo Gloria

[1] In the New Testament it is the personification of riches as an evil spirit or deity. (Matt. 6:24; Luke 16:9,11,13.)
[2] Luke 16:13
[3] Matthew 6:25

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