Effectual Prayers

Thursday, June 18, 2020

Whom the Son Set Free

Whom the Son Set Free is Free indeed

This is an update of a post on June 18th 2018

Abolitionist such as Fredrick Douglass and Sojourner Truth, Presbyterian Minister John Rankin and Levi Coffin, worked tirelessly, in many cases even in defiance of the law to free black from bondage in the United States. Then on January 1st, 1863   when President Abraham Lincoln ratified the Emancipation Proclamation declaring that all enslaved persons in the Confederate States of America in rebellion and not in Union hands were to be freed.  It appeared that the institution known as slavery had been defeated.

Shockingly, some enslaved African Americans had no idea that President Lincoln had signed the Emancipation Proclamation, which mandated that they be set free. In Texas, more than two-and-a-half years passed before they attained the knowledge of their freedom.

For 30 months the African American Slaves in Texas were free but did not know it. They were no longer under the law of slavery, yet they were stuck in the system of slavery. They had no ability to live an abundant life that their slaver owners could enjoy. However, on June 19th, 1865 all that changed and the celebration of freedom began.

Today all fifty states except Hawaii, Montana, New Hampshire, North Dakota and South Dakota celebrate this most joyous occasion with events like the re-reading of the Emancipation Proclamation, the Singing of traditional Negro Spiritual such as “Swing Low Sweet Chariot”, “Lift Every Voice and Sing”,  the reading of noted black authors and poets, family cookouts, community rodeos, street fairs, , historic reenactments and even a Miss Juneteenth Contest.

On this most celebratory day (also my wedding anniversary) I think of the many Christians that have  to keep the letter of the law so that we might not be seen as  sinful. There are churches where they will actually measure the length of w women’s dress, or the cut of a man’s hair. They will return to the six hundred and thirteen precepts of the old testament to hold us prisoner.  To a pious a boastful righteousness. (Hebrews 6:5-6)
Today many American are slaves, the Emancipation Proclamation did not free us of the hurt of 400 years of subhuman condition. So we are slaves to anger, and we lust reparation or  revenge or at best to be avenged.
Other of us are a slave to anger, we despise what we feel have been years of paying back what we never did. Many are slaves to hate and can only see the truth in the punishment, and even death of those whom we feel has caused this hate. Slavery is living a life whereby you are controlled by something that ought not to control you. Be it hate, or unforgiveness, revenge, and even anger whatever it is all of us are in some way slaves.

So even though as a nation we are fighting together against a pandemic that has killed over 8 million people 2.2 million in the United States alone! At a time when we should be joining together to mourn our loss, minister to our elderly, and protect our children. 

We are killing our innocent, looting our shops, and dividing people by race, religions, skin color, and political parties. We are still slaves obedient to a wicked master.

Like hypocrites  after pledging to be one nation under God indivisible, we divided and went our separate ways, destined to serve a master who’s name is hate and racism

But the scripture says”
whom the son sets free is free indeed!

So this Juneteeth as you celebrate the freeing of the slaves, by President Abraham Lincoln 157 years ago. With hotdogs, hamburgers barbeque ribs, with song and dance and celebration and praise to good and wonderful God.  Do not be fooled like the slaves in Texas who served a master out of ignorance. Remember that you too were set free of despair, and anger, and unforgiveness, and hate, and racism, about 2000 years ago by our Lord Jesus Christ.
And you no longer have to serve a wicked master

 “whom the Son sets free is free indeed!
(John 8:36)

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Exercise in Godliness

 This is the best of the series so far. Please forgive me  I had a number of interruptions during this sermon.  that may have knocked me off point but I think I got most of the information I wanted to address in this.
Please do me a favor Subscribe to my youtube channel so that you will not miss anything video in the future

Exercise in Godliness

Monday, May 4, 2020

The Great Mystery of Godliness (God's redemptive plan for mankind)

Through progressive revelation  in the bible teaches that this is the mystery of god's redemptive plan for mankind which is that ;  Jesus is at the center of salvation.
! timothy 3:16 says “By common confession , great is the mystery of godliness: He who was revealed in the flesh , Was vindicated in the Spirit , Seen by angels , Proclaimed among the nations , Believed on in the world , Taken up in glory.

how were men made right by God in the Old Testament? How are we made Godly through Jesus Christ?

The Great Mystery of Godliness (God's redemptive plan for mankind)

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Monday, March 23, 2020

God does not want you to worry

God doesn't want you to worry, in Matthew 6 Jesus reminds us 3 times not to worry. We are told take no thought for tomorrow, take no thought for life, take no thought for what you would eat. because our heavenly Father knows what we have need of. and it is His good pleasure to give us the kingdom. Romans 8:38-39 “For I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, 39 nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing will be able to separate us from the love of my heavenly Father”
So then we do not worry about this coronavirus because We have a Daddy follow the link below and listen to the whole message and Please subscribe and tell a friend

Thursday, February 27, 2020

The Urgency of the Gospel

So many churches are failing, so many people are dying never knowing who Jesus is.  And the reason for these church failures the reason for these deaths is we refuse to evangelize. We have to understand evangelizing as not just important, but once a person has given their life to Jesus Christ, then developed a prayer life, and committed to reading his Bible, the next thing he has to do is develop the skills to go out and share his faith with others. 

In order for us to redirect this decline of Church attendance, and in order to redirect the increase of church closing, we must come to that place in which we not only realize a need to evangelize but act upon the need that we have come to know. Christians must have an insatiable urge to tell others about our savior.  It must be as much a part of living for Christ as reading our, Bible, as participating in the sacraments, as regular prayer,  as paying our tithes and so many other things we do without complaining as Christians.

 Here is the link to this week's sermon simply called "The Urgency of the Gospel" https://youtu.be/0VdAbfDMhn4  Please subscribe to my channel and click on the Bell to get notification of new videos.
I'm trying to get over 1000 subscribers so tell a friend this will help tremendously. 

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Personal Evangelism is better than Outreach

 Please join this blog and click on one of the links within the blog. I need 1000 subscribers to become relevant to Youtube  here is My Youtube Channel clink on this link to subscribe and see all the most recent videos

What I want to talk today about is evangelism,
more specifically, personnal evangelism and why I think it is more important than church sponsored outreach, for the survival and growth of the local church

 This issue is of extream importance to me as I am now at a place where Personnal evangelism had not been taught or even spoken of for the most part. The result being that good Christian have become lethargic  for mission and ministry work within the church. So I think as a shepard my first responsibility is to build within them the need and urgency of individual or personal evangelism.

When we consider today’s Church especially where I live in Philadelphia. Except for mega churches most churches are struggling to make it from one week to another. many of pastor and church planter are confused as to what exactly went wrong, when at one moment they were thriving and the next moment struggling just to continue surviving. So that when you consider Jesus words in Matthew 16:18-19  it really does look like the gates of hell are prevailing!  Or, maybe, its not the work of the enemy  that is causing this problem with so many small churches today.

I was watching a Facebook stream in which a pastor was recording the city of Philadelphia tearing down a church, and as he drove through the city he pointed to many churches that were not well cared for. Leaky roofs, cracked walls, and broken doors seemed to be the norm for many of the smaller churches in the city.
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And as he drove by, he suggested many different solutions to the problem, mergers, ecumenical ministries, financial rescuers and most of these were good ideas. but the one thing that was missing from all the solutions, and from all the failing ministries was  God's plan, and God's agenda

You see I know many of the churches that was streamed in that video  I know of them and I know what they were missing, but more importantly I know our church is missing,  in Revelation 2:2-5 Jesus speaks to the Church at Ephesus and says;

"I know your works, your labor, and your endurance, and that you cannot tolerate evil people. You have tested those who call themselves apostles and are not, and you have found them to be liars. 3 I know that you have persevered and endured hardships for the sake of my name, and have not grown weary. But I have this against you: You have abandoned the love you had at first. Remember then how far you have fallen; repent, and do the works you did at first. Otherwise, I will come to you and remove your lampstand from its place, unless you repent." Revelation 2:2-5

You see Jesus is saying if you do not do what you first did, the things that shows you loved me. doing what I required you to do. Matthew 28:18-20 it is haveing a heart for the lost.Jesus is saying if you stop doing the mission work,  which is the first love of our savior. I will come and take that lampstand. In other words "I will shut you down", and if there is one thing I think is unanimously true is that those churches that have stop doing personal evangelism are the same churches that are failing. Personal evangelism is how the church survives

Click here to View my last Sermon 

When you consider the condition most churches are in, that is many empty or nearly empty churches, You must consider as the only solution,  evangelism, and more specificaly individual or personal evangelism.  And why not outreach? I think it is absolutely necessary to separate individual missionary work from Church Outreach service. for a few reasons.
1.     In failing churches most of the members will not, have not, and even claim are not able to speak to any individual by themselves about Jesus Christ. 
a.      They haven’t spoken to family remembers. Co workers,  and they most defiantly speak to someone they do not know about Jesus.
b.     They are on fire for Jesus, it just they do all they can never to let the flame catch hold of anyone else.
c.      However,  the problem with Outreach is, most of the time the very same people that refuse to reach anyone for Jesus are the people we assign to our outreach.
                                                    i.     So, than we are taking an effective process of outreach and filling with ineffective people. And the results at best can only be wishy washy
                                                  ii.     True Evangelism is when the individual decides to evangelize the small part of the world that he/she can personally impact. and then being supported by the his/her church to assist in discipling of the recent convert. And teaching him/her to do the very same thing he just did.

2.     Outreach is a product of the church, and it does not necessarily come from Christians that are kingdom minded but has its origin in the church that is doing kingdom work.
a.      I would suggest that many churches outreach fail because it is done with ineffective Christian when it comes to being bold for Jesus Christ.

3.     On the other hand when a church sponsors an outreach event and it is full of Kingdom minded individuals, those individual that have a history of personal evangelism  then that outreach is supported by people that are not afraid to express the gospel and the result  is almost universally a successful outreach event. 
a.      However, if the individual that work in the Church sponsored outreach are not kingdom minded, and have not, cannot, or will not do individual evangelism, than outreach becomes nothing more than a social event where in the end no one is really reached for Jesus.
b.     I know this to be so, in our last outreach event we calculated to have reached over 250 people that would have otherwise never come to our church. But of the 250, not one (1) single person either committed themselves to Jesus Christ or even visited the church for normal church service.

It is this type of Outreach that I want to avoid, by first developing in church members their responsibility to do individual, personal evangelism. Then the church can develop outreach event that can bring the people to them so they can do individual evangelism on a larger scale.

As individuals we must:
1.start where we are;  2.use what we have;  3.and do what we can to reach the lost for Jesus Christ.

A church outreach is successful when it first teaches it memebers to do individual evangelism when it learns to complete small steps, before it attempts great things. 

Outreach and revival is achievable.When Jesus sees we are faithful over the little talents (personal evangelism) He will make us rulers over the great (outreach) and then we can as a church enter into our master's Joy

Your Brother in Christ
Dr TCharves Pearsall

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