Effectual Prayers

Friday, April 29, 2016

Where have all the Children Gone? (Pt1)

This is part 1 of a 3 part series
 Who Snatched Them From My Father's Hand?

“Why are so many young people leaving Christianity?” Is one of those questions that the American church has been trying to deal with for about 35 years? Honest God fearing mean and women are faced with a situation that is predicting the end of Christianity. This question has so occupied the hearts, and  thoughts  of pastors and men of God,  that they have departed from the truth of the gospel seeking modern ways to drum up business, so to speak
( Galatians 1:6-7 )

 On the atheist side of the fence this knowledge of a shrinking church has been their defense for proof that God does not exist. Their argument goes something like this
That is why so many young people are leaving the church because intelligent reason proves that there is no God;  and those smarter more intelligent young adult have only remained in church to propitiate their parents desires."

One afro-centric website list the 6reasons black people (black millennials) are leaving the church of which only three need to be addressed.  I want to bring to your understanding that most of these reasons which I do not address are either a form of other the three reasons, or are grounded in one’s desire to sin, which is will not address here.

The first reason that American Blacks are leaving the church is;
  1.  What the Bible says about slavery
    I list this one not because of any truth. but because it is a unique deception of the devil aimed directly at Afro-Americans; a tool used by Muslims in converting American blacks to Islam.  In its natural form it sounds something like “Christianity is a White Man’s Religion” to the believing Christian man or women of color “. Or “Why would a self-respecting Black Man consider Christianity? It is effective only when the hearer is ignorance of what the Bible really says about slavery The next reason that millennials, not just black millennials are leaving the church is;
  2. Their imagined intellectual integrity”. For many Christians who leave the faith the belief in God and science are diametrically opposed to one another.  Because, they have never learned sound Christian doctrine, they believe that the Christian message places little value on the exercise of the mind and logical thinking. They, both those that have become apostate and atheists, believe that the Bible breeds dummies, idiots, morons, and simpleton blockhead, dopes and fools. They are completly ignoring the plethora of scientists, and physicians, mathematicians and psychologist all of whom are bible-believing Christians.
    However, the departing from the faith, both of false believers and on those that have never loved God is as much the fault of the leaders of the Church as it is those that have fallen away.

  3. As Christians we have a low intellectual view of ourselves, and the God which gives us knowledge and wisdom. We have allowed the world to call us ignorant, blind believers, and superstitious to the point we can’t even reason the truth, even though God is constantly revealing His truth to us in His word. (Daniel 1:17, Job 12:24,  1 Cor 1:19 )

    Most people go to church for years and they cannot reconcile what the Bible says, against what they have learned from science. But even worst I have found that most people go to church for years, and they cannot even tell you the central theme of the Bible.  I’ll give you a hint it’s not Basic Instruction Before Leaving Earth!   Nor is it that God wants you to be healthy wealthy and wise.

    e as a people (the church) in Christ Jesus are perceived as ignorant and unlearned because we refuse to read the only truth that means anything.  Even though the Bible itself implores to do so we fail (2 Timothy 2:15
    ) and it is this fact that allows Wolves in Sheep clothing Like Joel Olsteen,  and Benny Hinn  bamboozle, hoodwink, swindle and hornswoggle the church so that they can line their pockets with social security checks and welfare allowances. Or write books that massage the scripture into say whatever they wish.
    You think I’m lying? How many of you recognized the word that I used in a previous paragraph of this very posting that was used anthropomorphically, but is normally used exclusively of God?  How may are going back to read it now? How many will not recognize it until you get a dictionary? How many will miss it altogether?  

  4. We have perpetuated ignorance of the Bible doctrine
    There is a horrible teaching going through the modern church which says because you adhered to doctrine you are a legalist. Or you are not saved! (Acts 2:42) some even teach that a pastor should never  go to seminary, that God will give us all the knowledge of His word He wants us to have.  even though the bible clearly says that we are to study to show ourselves approved (2 Tim 2:15) We as christian would rather learn about God from the History Channel than break the seams of your beautiful leather bound Gold finished King James Authorized Bible. And because we don't know doctrine we are always fooled by heretical, feel good, quality of life doctrine that is no doctrine at all.

The Bible says none can snatch them from the Father’s hand,  (John 10:29)  That being so we must ask God and ourselves “Why have they left the faith? Or were they ever in the Father's hands?"


Your Brother in Christ